We are working on creating a better school campus culture. Even in our history classes last year we tried to link the power struggles of humanity in United States and Medieval World History, to put the bully issue in a historical context. While reading and writing through the curriculum we tried to work on skills and read like historians.
For the 7th graders last year we studied the Legacy: China: The Mandate of Heaven, and the teachings we learned from the great Medieval Civilization. The ideas and goods that were traded throughout the world from then to today, which is one of our most important and largest economic partners in the world. This is also here to stay, whether for good or bad. Has the East adopted the Western idea of materialism? Michael Wood asks this question throughout the episode.
In Race: The Power Of An Illusion, we will learn how we are one family. Our genes, and history, totally bind us together over time and space forever. Only our understandings of these events can we make sure that certain history does not repeat itself. If we are to unmake racism [eracism] ]we need to learn history. Civilization depends on us all understanding how we all can change the world one person at a time, starting with ourselves. The anti-bullying campaign was just a great conduit to use to link important connections to the 8th grade students.
Please see the handout that we took time to share with our Matadors on this last year.
SVJH bully flyer.pdf_
If you would also like more information on bullying from the State Legislature of California and the American Civil Liberties Union please take a look at this link.
Implementation of AB 9 (Seth's Law) Letter - Uniform Complaint Procedures (CA Dept of Education).pdf
The UC Davis Journal of Juvenile Law & Policy Review on the California AB 9 law has some important facts parents and students might want to know. There are many important ideas that the school community should know:
“On October 9, 2011, Governor Brown signed Assembly Bill 9 (AB 9) into law. AB 9, or Seth's Law, calls for the implementation of anti-bullying policies in public schools. The law was promulgated in reaction to the death of thirteen year-old Seth Walsh, who took his life after being repeatedly bullied at school for his sexual orientation. Seth'sLaw amends the existing framework of the Safe Place to Learn Act found in Education Code Sections 234, 234.1, 234.2, and 234.3, and adds Section 234.5 to the Code.”........
“Seth's Law makes several distinct changes to the Safe Place to Learn Act. First, Code Section 234 now protects student victims from not only discrimination and harassment, but also "intimidation and bullying based on actual or perceived characteristics," including the student's disability, gender, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation. Seth's Law calls for the California Department of Education to develop a model handout with school policies for receiving complaints, which can be modified and displayed on school campuses and websites.”.......
“In Section 234.1, Seth's Law states that the school must also ‘set up a timeline to investigate and resolve’ complaints, as well as implement an appeal process. Furthermore, any school personnel who witnesses acts of discrimination, harassment, intimidation or bullying ‘must take immediate steps to intervene when safe to do so.’” [562]....
“Seth's Law leaves Sections 234.2 and 234.3 largely unchanged, though Section 234.3 now explicitly states that schools must periodically update their handouts and websites related to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying.”.....
“The newly added Section 234.5 orders the Superintendent of Public Instruction to post and annually update his or her website with ‘a list of statewide resources, including community-based organizations, that provide support to youth [and their families] who have been subjected to school-based discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying." .....
“Finally, Section 234.5 states that in accordance with the CaliforniaConstitution, the state will reimburse school districts and local agencies for certain state-mandated costs associated with Seth's Law.”
§ 234. Citation of article; Policies
(a) This article shall be known, and may be cited, as the Safe Place to Learn Act.
(b) It is the policy of the State of California to ensure that all local educational agencies continue to work to reduce discrimination, harassment, violence, intimidation, and bullying. It is further the policy of the state to improve pupil safety at schools and the connections between pupils and supportive adults, schools, and communities.
This law went into effect July 1, 2012, for all California public schools.