Divergent Paths of the American People
How did individual regions of the United States become both more similar and more different?
What was family life like in each region?
How did work change between 1800 and 1850?
What was the impact of slavery on American politics, regional economies, family life, and culture?
What did the frontier mean to the nation in the first half of the nineteenth century?
How did Americans help people in need?
why go to school? What did Freedom mean and how to change over time?
How did the country become more connected in the first half century? What were slaves lives like?
How do you sleep families live in ways that were similar to and different from non-slave families?
How did people work to end slavery in what opposition did they face?
Why did Frederick Douglas believe in the United States should abolish slavery
How did Andrew Jackson change the country?
How did Manifest Destiny contribute to American expansion?
How did leading American thinkers justify America’s westward expansion in the nineteenth century (from classroom example)?
What were the consequences of the Mexican American War?
How did family life change during the Yirst half of the nineteenth century?