On Back-to-School night students in our United States History class, were told to tell their parents a few things. Also one really important thing. They were told to sleep a minimum of 8 hours. Students should have mentioned the agenda check with parents and receive handwritten initials for the last 4 weeks. The new social contract should be followed everywhere. Students are to keep improving and growing the teenage mind [pre-frontal cortex]. They were told to show and discuss the interactive notebooks and explain input and outputs.
There is never a time when they do not have homework for Mr. Culbertson’s class. Only a few students ever get so far ahead of the class so their interactive notebook and is ready to turn it in early. Many elements of a great notebook are unlikely completed early. It does not have to be called homework, or that we always have homework. It can be said, we always have something new to learn and study to remember! Each class day is best if they have time to help you. Try to keep using study buddies and pair-share partners. Remember the output shows what you are thinking. It shows what important ideas you have processed. This is to let the reader know what important key learnings are so very important to your own studies.
The main skills and tasks students did not do in their personal interactive notebook [PIN or IPN] were:
- Infinity sign marked papers are the Mr.C's Class Hanbook.
- Not a complete table of contents—should be added to each day.
- No cover page-usually not four colors-relate to topics/learning/ideas/content
- Page numbers should be on T.O.C.
- NO attempt at the artwork. It does not have to be perfect, but it shows you actually tried. Some draw stick figures carefully and color nicely work too.
- Annotations of notes from class and homework. A second look at notes.
- All assigned outputs were attempted, not all complete. We are doing more of these in Ch.2.
- Input/output and the order of things. Actively listening all the time to instructions is so very important.
- Getting help from a partner when we pair-share in class. In common core 65% of the time students work together while the instructor facilitates the interactions using the 4 C’s. Creativity, Collaboration, Critical thinking, Communication
- Name, date, title, are still missing on all or most pages.
- Completion of the Quickwrite is one other main area. Notes should be used to finish the writing at the beginning of the period.
- Basic instructions are very important to train the brain for learning. The students need to know that getting better is the goal.
- Not reading—the assigned reading at home is important.
- taking the time needed and not doing a maximum 15-25 mins every night like I ask.
- Students that are improving are using the class time to pair share. Not wasting time, which means less homework too.
- Some suggestions to ask yourself:
•Does the leftside clearly show my thinking or restate what I already worked on?
•Can the left summarize all my thinking and it shows my new thinking?
•The output shows my best effort.
•I have synthesized all the info on the right before I created the left side.
•I have highlighted or annotated the right and I have shown that to the reader.
•I have worked with the textbook and went over my notes a second or third time.
•I have highlighted areas I am unclear about.
•Areas I am not clear about I will bring to the class and discuss.
•I have used all my time well in class.
•I have really tried my best on the notebook.... - I have I kept up each day with my TABLE OF CONTENTS. I am ready for tomorrow.....
The "A" students usually:Write down the homework in the agenda.
Complete agenda write-ups at the end of class.
Write the classwork into the notes.
Add to the T.O.C. the assignment before class, at least a date entry for the CNN or textbook chapter notes, classwork, or daily assignment.
In class verbal participation and collaboration. - Not all spend the 15 minutes a night, but many do.
Please try to follow this Student Dialogue:
Johnny: Maria, would you please help me on _________? [asking nicely]
Maria: Sure, I think I have time.
Johnny: Can I copy it?
Maria: NO. Mr.C says we can not copy, but I will talk to you about the assignment and show you how I did it.
Johnny: I am sorry I asked to copy I know I was not supposed to ask that because it is unreasonable. I think it is reasonable to listen to you about how you did this assignment. Where you found things, used handouts, and what you used to guide you on the assignment.
Maria: Thanks for understanding we should follow the social contract on all our assignments. Here is what I did..........
Johnny: Thank you for taking the time to help me. I hope we can do this again in the future.
The End.