This week your students have done a fabulous job working on the notebooks, learning a new technique for learning, and improving their prefrontal cortex to behave and collaborate as a team. This is the first time in 8 years We have all students with their interactive personal notebooks setup before we leave on the Friday. Please let your children know they are getting better each day, I tell them too. All of them are trying to get the WRITE PATH interactive notebook system down. They also are learning to ask great questions and share fabulous insightful comments to the class. Especially this week's, Wayback Wednesday with Watson and the Shark, students stepped up their game in history class.
Further, many parents have worked on the parent homework and signed the parent understanding sheets. Some students still need them turned in for full credit. I really enjoy reading and learning what you have been telling me about your children. I appreciate the kind words many of you have given me. You have a really nice group of students/teens, so let them know that they are doing well. I hope that we can help our students become the best social scientists/historians, so they can understand this very complicated modern world. I hope to see many of you on September 1, 2016 for Back to School night. Goooooo Matadors, Best wishes and take care. Mr. C